The Horizon series is a video game series that follows the adventures of a Nora huntress known as Aloy, as she is on the pursuit for her lost origins regarding her mother.
Morality Standard of the Verse[]
Admirable Standards[]
- Safe Nobility: Horizon's majority of heroes are exceptionally noble who saved countless lives from being killed and were willing to stop omnicidal villains from killing all life for their own reasons.
Heinous Standards[]
- Frequent Common Hostility: Horizon has a really high heinous standard to begin with. The most heinous villains in the Horizon universe either attempted to commit mass extinction against humanity (six villains who attempted to do so in total and with one who succeeded), mass-murders against countless innocents, or notorious heinous acts that would have a significant, detrimental impact in the long run (examples including Shaw's creation of Omega Clearance as it allowed Faro to commit his unthinkable acts).
The Moral Rankings[]
Pure Good
- Aloy
- Elisabet Sobeck
- General Aaron Herres
- Ourea
Near Pure Good
- Anne Faraday
Inconsistently Admirable
- Sona
- Travis Tate
- Beta
Heroic Benchmark
- Aluki
- Talanah Khane Padish
Completely Ambiguous
- Sylens
Villainous Benchmark
- Ceo
- Rasgrund
- Ullia
- Ahsis
- Regalla
Inconsistently Heinous
Near Pure Evil
- Jiran
- Dervahl
- Hank Shaw
- Tilda van der Meer
- Helis
- Zaid
- Nemesis
Pure Evil
- Ted Faro
- Bahavas
- Gerard Bieri
- Erik Visser
- Vezreh