Profile for either the continuity or era of an admirable and heinous standard of what is depicted within the storyline.
Each standard has a positive and negative side to it, and it is possible that the positive and negative make come from a different ranking such as if it is Safe Nobility Positive and not even having a Safe Nobility Negative but a Common Hostility Negative.
Note: If the opposite moral standard does not rival in opposition to its good or evil counterpart, then it will be dropped a notch under its opposition, for example if a series is so dark and violent such as it being a Frequently Common Hostility with the a rivaling tone not being a Very Safe Nobility opposing it enough to be its complete opposite such it being just a Safe Nobility, then it will be under a notch because it failed to rival it's opposite standard for it stand it out in its story which would make it an In-General Positive, and the same can be said for the evil heinous standard if the situation was reverse.
The list
Complete Innocence
- Complete Innocence Positive: Nearly every if not everyone is as admirable to what a Pure Good is within the story, or just flat out incorruptibly nice. (Examples: Teletubbies)
- It should noted that due to the nature of complete innocence it would be contradictory to have standards like in-general negative or any other villainous standard to be apart it.
Very Safe Nobility
- The majority of heroes are as admirable as passing admirable heroes from Safe Nobility standard.
Safe Nobility
- Safe Nobility Positive: The majority of heroes are extremely admirable and would normally what the In-General Positives would do in a story.
- In-General Positive: The best of the best of these heroes are on the level of mass life-savers and healing to those in need but never on the level eternal blessing.
- In-General Negative: The worst of the worst don't do much to being viler than a mass murderer and a torturer but never on the level of torture porn.
Common Hostility
- Common Hostility Positive: The best of these heroes is at best bog-in-general-standard, doing some good things but as much as the best in General-Positives do.
Frequent Common Hostility
- The majority of Villains are as heinous as the passing heinous villains from Common Hostility standard.
Depraved Exploitation
- Depraved Exploitation Negative: Nearly every if not every villain is trying to be as heinous as a Pure Evil if not in some way worse or the franchise is on the level of common excessive torture porn or shock value with no legit admirable or heroic value.
- It should noted that due to the nature of depraved exploitation it would be contradictory to have standards like in-general positive or any other heroic standard to be apart it.