Ninjago is an animated science-fantasy TV series based on a series of LEGO toys of the same name. It takes place in the realm of Ninjago that is often threatened by various villains. The Ninja team led by Master Wu protects the realm from them.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising is the sequel series to Ninjago, taking place after the cataclysm which saw Ninjago and multiple other realms merge into a single one, starring Arin and Sora as they are mentored by Lloyd and protect the merged realms from new threats.
Morality Standard of the verse[]
Admirable Standards[]
- Very Safe Nobility: The series featured many noble heroes who save a city or several on a seasonly basis, sometimes expanding their efforts to global and multiversal protection.
Heinous Standards[]
- Frequent Common Hostility: Atrocious acts on the level of city-wide destruction are very common among the villains, with some going as far as attempting to destroy all life in a realm or all of them.
Moral Ranking[]
Pure Good[]
- Cole
- First Spinjitzu Master
- Lloyd Garmadon
- Master Wu
- P.I.X.A.L.
- Zane
Near Pure Good[]
- Jay
- Nya
- Sensei Garmadon
- Dareth
Inconsistently Admirable[]
- Lord Garmadon
- Ronin
Heroic Benchmark[]
- Harumi
Villainous Benchmark[]
- Gripe
- Ice Emperor
- Krux
- The Mechanic
- Nadakhan
- Samukai (main version)
- Techno Wu
Inconsistently Heinous[]
- Great Devourer
- Harumi
- Morro
- The Preeminent
- Pythor P. Chumsworth
- Sensei Yang
Near Pure Evil[]
- Clouse
- General Gryptor
- Master Chen
Pure Evil[]
- Empress Beatrix
- Fenwick
- General Vex
- Iron Baron
- Kalmaar
- Lord Mogra
- Mayor's Advisor
- The Omega
- The One Who is Many
- The Overlord
- Samukai (comic version only)
- Skull of Hazza D'ur
- Vangelis
Status Under Debate[]
- Lord Garmadon (evil ranking-wise)
- General Kozu
- Kai