NostalgiaSquare is the main protagonist of the NostalgiaSquare franchise
Moral Statistics[]
Moral Ranking: 3+
Origin: NostalgiaSquare (2017-present)
Names and other aliases: NS
Classification: Redeemed Protagonist
- Sub-Classifications
- Status: Alive
- Occupations: Student
- Hobbies: Working with his friends
Gender: Male
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Possibly overweight
Age: Unknown
Life Involvement:
- Lives Saved: Dozens
- Lives Taken: 7
Alignment: Neutral Good
Allies: Green Square, Red Circle, Scratch Cat, Classic Bully, Sidney, Classic Bully 2, Molly, Classical Bully, Cool Blue, NostalgiaGirl, Tori, Blue Triangle, Chimney Girl, NostalgiaSquareBross, Cronica
Enemies: Evil NostalgiaSquare, Cuphead (formerly), Starboy (formerly)
Morality Standard: Very Safe Nobility
Accomplishments: Incredibly Noble
Resourceful Capability: Normal
Competency: Partially Successful
Tone Presence: Minor Comic Relief
Moral Prevention Severity: Nasty Prevention