Moral Ranking Wiki
Hashirama Senju

Hashirama Senju, an example of a Pure Good character from Naruto.

Pure Good characters are under Rank 1 +. These characters are considered to be the most noble, benevolent, and selfless heroes within their story. They are portrayed to be honorable and willing to the right thing without expecting anything in return. These heroes have notable heroic deeds and are among the most admirable within the story they appear in. These characters show concern for others, take their time to help those who needs it, and are shown to be against those who would harm innocents. Many times, these characters do good acts because they want to be supportive of others.

These characters fall under these traits:

  • Has Moral Agency: These characters have clear moral agency and are capable of understanding what is right and wrong. They are capable of doing evil whenever they can, but choose to not do what is wrong to harm others. These characters actively choose to do what is morally right in order to support others.
  • Surpasses the Admirable Standards: These characters surpass the admirable standards of their story and the general admirable standards in general. These characters have committed admirable acts that have helped many people or stopped a major danger to the setting.
  • Past the Goodness Zone: These characters have committed many deeds that places them past the Goodness Zone. At this point, the character stands out as notably noble and virtuous for their actions.
  • Sympathetic: They have traits that makes the audience feel sympathetic for them. For instance, these characters are meant to be sympathized with due to the circumstances they’ve through, but still continue to do what is good.
  • Has No Corrupting Qualities: This character has no corrupting qualities are portrayed as virtuous and pleasant individuals with no ounce of detracting traits. These characters may have had corrupting qualities in the past, but are stripped of them.
  • Has Screen Time to show their actions: These character’s acts are on screen for the audience to see how noble and virtuous they are.
  • Shown to be the Best: These characters are shown to be most noble and virtuous within their setting. These characters stand out for their honorable traits and selflessness.

Pure Good characters come in three classes:

  • Class A: This type of pure good character that can easily be recognized as good or heroic. They usually have a pleasant tone presence and is shown to be kind and selfless during their appearance. They do not darken the tone of the story when they appear. They either rarely or never have any on-screen jerk moments and may have notable comedic moments.
  • Class B: This type of pure good character who at first appearance comes across as showing corrupting qualities on a number of occasion. These characters may have been villains but were redeemed, had notable corrupting qualities but subverted them, or put on a facade of antagonism in order to save others. These characters may have been considered the dreaded or usually have a serious presence. These characters are also shown to be Wholly Reformed.
  • Class C: This type of character is shown to be otherworldly, an artificial intelligence, or any type of non-human being that may not have normal agency at first sight. However, they are shown to have normal agency even though they lack personification.