Moral Ranking Wiki

Shadow Is a main character in the 2012 video game Trick or Alice. While he is appparently a friendly individual, there is a dark side on him. When it's triggered by grudge and jealousy, he changes from a docile, childish and somewhat dimwitted boy to a vindictive, ruthless, perverted and sadistic schemer, willing to discard anyone and anything to fulfill his obssession and lust for Arisa. Few things can convince him to stop.

Moral Statistics[]

Moral Ranking: 4+ in other routes, varies from 1- to 3- In Light's route and his own depending on the ending.

Origin: Trick or Alice

Classification: Psychotic Love Rival


  • Status: Alive in most routes, Presumed Deceased in his first bad ending.
  • Occupations: High school student (under the Kamijou Tooya alterego)
  • Hobbies: Cooking
  • Gender: Male


  • Height: Unknown
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Age: Apparently mid to late teens.

Life Involvement:

  • Lives Saved: 1 in most routes, 2 in his Wonderland good ending.
  • Lives Taken: Varies, from 1 to Incalculable (Inevitably)
  • Alignment: Neutral Good in most routes and at first in his and Light's, Chaotic Evil in Light and his own route.

Allies: Arisa (Love interest/target of obsession), Light (Twin brother), other Wonderlanders.

Enemies: Arisa (Victim, unintentionally), Light (One-sided rivalry from his side), other Wonderlanders. (for opposing him)

Morality Standard: Frequent Common Hostility considering all the routes' bad and good endings.


  • Convenient: (Aided in Saving Arisa from Jack.)
  • Astronimically Atrocious: (Talks about how he enjoyed Jack's screams for help and execution to Arisa for no reason, Attempts to force himself on Arisa in his own and Light's route, rapes her in a fit of jealousy and rage on his route and confines her in his route no matter the choice, kills his brother in some bad endings, either attempts or inevitably commits omnicide in Light's and his own School routes.

Resourceful Capability: Skilled (In spite of his mental state he is able to seduce Arisa even as his perversion and sadism got clearer, frequently finds a alternative to get ahead of his opponents in spite of a plan being foiled.), Immensely Powerful with the storybook (With the storybook, Shadow can manipulate reality, dreams and do mind control)

Competency: Partially Successful to Successful

Tone Presence: Pleasant in most routes, Game Changer in Light's route and his own.

Moral Prevention Severity:

  • Atrocious Prevention: (Rapes or attempts to rape Arisa in multiple paths, attempts to frame his own brother for sexually assaulting Arisa to gaslight her in his route, can commit mass murder in a bad ending. tries omnicide in the School path of Light's route and inevitably causes it in his own.)
  • Sadden: (Got emotionally devastated because Alice could not tell him and Light apart in the past even after he confessed, through this does not come even close to justifying his vile actions.
  • Complete Moral Agency: (In spite of being psychotic he manages to plan competently his schemes and is sadistic.)
  • Player's choice: Drastic degree
  • Positive Prevention Free (In several bad endings he mantains his obssession without any genuine love for Arisa and/or refuses to accept his own responsibility) to Minor Positive Prevention: (in other ends can feel remorse to the point of crying, either accepts she loves Light or his obsession changes into genuine love)

External Links[]
