The End is the overarching antagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. It is an enigmatic entity that had destroyed countless planets in the past. After destroying the Ancients' homeworld, it pursued them to Earth to eliminate them but was locked inside Cyber Space by them. Thousands of years later, it manipulated Sonic into breaking it free so that it could consume all of reality.
Moral Statistics[]
Moral Ranking: 1-
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog
Names and other aliases:
Classification: Cataclysmic Cosmic Entity
- Sub-Classifications
- Status: Presumed Deceased
- Occupations:
- Hobbies: Destroying stars and planets
Gender: None
- Height: Depends on the observer
- Weight: Unknown
Age: Unknown (20,000+)
Life Involvement:
- Lives Saved: None
- Lives Taken: Incalculable
Primary Motive: Depravity
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Allies: Sonic the Hedgehog (pawn, formerly)
Enemies: The Ancients, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman, Sage, Miles "Tails" Prower, Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna
- Frequent Common Hostility
- Astronomically Atrocious
Resourceful Capability: Immensely Powerful (Was considerable stronger than Super Sonic)
Competency: Partially Successful
- Game Changer
- Positive Prevention Free
External Links[]
- The End on the Villains Wiki
- The End on the Pure Evil Wiki
- The End on the Sonic Wiki
- The End on the Ultimate Evil Wiki